
PayPal/Credit Card

If you would like to financially support the work we do you can donate to us. Rest assured that all donations will be used to support local good causes, with nothing taken for administration costs or overheads

You can donate using your PayPal account or using a credit or debit card. Simply click the button below and follow the instructions

If you have the PayPal app you can make a donation by scanning this QR Code:


You can support us by making online purchases through EasyFundRaising .

It costs you nothing!

Once you have registered you can make online purchases through EasyFundRaising and the supplier will donate a small percentage of the purchase price to our charity account. These small sums add up to a very welcome amount for us.

You spend, brands donate.

Over 5,000 online shops participate with EasyFundRaising including most supermarkets, many high street stores, Amazon, Ebay, and many more. Once you have registered you will be able to make donations to us whenever you buy from one of them, at no cost to you.

You can install an add-on to your browser that will present a pop-up giving you the option to include a donation whenever you visit a website that supports EasyFundRaising. It’s that easy, and you can support us every time you shop online.

Enabling EasyFundRaising is very simple:

  • Visit EasyFundRaising and click the Sign Up button
  • Click on the Find a cause to support button and enter Wokingham Lions Club
  • Click on the Search cause button. You will then see a window like this:
  • Click on the text at the bottom then click on the Sign up and support this cause button and enter your details

When you return to the EasyFundRaising home screen you will see tabs across the top with one named Browser Extension. Click on it then click on Add to your browser and the add-on will be installed
